Roseanne Calls Oprah A Fat Narcissist
Leave it to Roseanne Barr to take Thanksgiving and flip it on its head, using the holiday as an opportunity to expound upon all the things she is completely unthankful for. The 61-year-old comedian and actress is in the midst of a 24-hour Twitter rant against everything from capitalism to the people involved with her new, apparently soon-to-be non-existent, sitcom with negative commentary on such wide-ranging targets as Anderson Cooper, capitalism, Walmart and Oprah Winfrey — all while confessing “Yes, I do have mental health issues.” (Strangely, she seems to support fellow celebrity meltdown artist Alec Baldwin.)
We’ve compiled the highlights for you here, starting with her take on Black Friday shopping before heading into issues she is having with her new sitcom currently in development. (The deal was announced back in January with Barr reportedly co-writing along with Nurse Jackie co-creator Linda Wallem, who was to be the showrunner for the new project.)
get out there 2day women-shop 4 slave made goods that ruin american wealth/society/decency! shop and diet! DON’T THINK-B GREATFUL! flagbible bible flag flag bible war drone drool shop eat diet pray bible flag gossip shop 4baby jesus war torture flag bible bible flag LOVE 4giveness
support patriarchy by arguing against it all the time. don’t think outside the box. don’t invent anything new. stay in the dead world & deb8
i am not shopping until january.

Do you agree with Roseanne?? Hit the flip to peep more tweets of the 90′s star blasting Hollyweird next!

Source: Bossip and starcasm


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